On-the-job training isn’t always standard practice, but it can increase productivity and efficiency in specific industries. Not only that, it can benefit the company as a whole, from reducing training costs to creating more effective, motivated employees.

Treasurer, an officer entrusted with the receipt, care, and disbursement of funds: as. : a governmental officer charged with keeping, receiving, and disbursing public revenues. : the executive financial officer of a club, society, or business corporation.

In my first day of being an on the job trainee, I feel so nervous as I enter the office, At first it was not easy for me to do the task because I was not able to do my job as a OJT student . But as time goes by we finished the task accurately. Through this, I have experienced new environment, new acquaintances who are professionals and every task that given to me. I learned how to distributed the money in the baranggay officials, how to interview the client, how to encode the monthly dept and process and receiving the signature in the other offices and i also learned how to released the money to the baranggay officials.

Being a committed and responsible makes your environment notice what you’ve done so far leaving good impressions. So, when they are already having trust on our capabilities, they don’t hesitate to ask for help when doing their job. Starting to make conversation, asking about our life as a student, and asking what we feel about working on their company. That’s when we gradually made closeness without even noticing. By that, I learned a lot of things in this OJT journey, some of it I’ve already adopted and apply to myself and some of it helped me develop my skills and enhance my knowledge. I was so grateful that I have my OJT in this institution. I learned to be more patient in every task that was given to me, to be nice and humble in every person I interact with and most of all to LOVE MY WORK. After one month of our training, we just came up with a saying.